PREMIUM: GM Zoelle announced the December 2022 Premium Contest, Holiday Horror, and we’re designing that horror to get knitted and worn. Yes! It’s an Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest! You have until December 31 to submit it. There’s plenty of time to take inspiration from what Uncle Mylo is wearing at your big holiday gathering!

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Zoelle
December 2022 Premium Contest: Holiday Horror
on 11 December 2022 12:26 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forum
at premium category

Have you ever tried to make your own holiday sweater, but it ended up a holiday horror? No? Well now’s your chance to design one.

Here are the requirements:

Design the 15/15/sweater (the noun must be sweater).
Design the sweater’s long description (65 character limit).
Design the messaging for when you WEAR the sweater (500 character limit).
Design the messaging for when you REMOVE the sweater (500 character limit).
Design a show for the sweater ( 500 character limit).

Here is an example of a submission:
A pink and/green knitted/sweater
A pink and green knitted sweater with knots in the pattern (58)
You poke your head through the bottom of the sweater, but your head gets caught for a moment in the sleeve hole. Struggling, you pull at the sweater grabbing at your hair instead! Ouch!! But from one moment to the next you’re able to poke your head through the right hole and wiggle yourself into the garment. (311)
You grasp the bottom hem of your sweater, pulling it up and over your head. Your wrist gets caught in the sleeve, tugging at one of the threads. Ugh, you’ll have to fix that later. (182)
Knitted from vivid pink and dull green yarn, the sweater has been crocheted in a disorganized pattern. Knots in the pattern are scattered throughout the garment, along with long strands of hair that seem to have gotten caught. (225)

Entries that do not include all requirements and follow the guidelines will not be considered eligible.
Contestants have until 11:59 p.m. PT on December 31, 2022 to get entries to me.

Ten winners will be chosen from the submitted entries.

Like all Premium Monthly Contests, entries are subject to change based on the discretion of the GMs and QC. Entries will be judged during the first week of January. Zoelle will not judge this contest except in the rare case of a tie. The winners will be announced as soon as possible afterwards. Zoelle reserves the right to make any changes to items that she, or QC, deems necessary.

Please direct any questions to the Premium Contests folder on the official message boards.


Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.