Confidential InformantSolhaven Source
DergoateanResearch Editor
ElysiaCalendar Editor
FelarionTa'Illistim Intern
FloraniaLanding Chronicler
IrarOn Leave
KaldonisRiver's Rest Tech
LeafiaraStoryline Editor / Landing
LyliaLanding Correspondent
LynaeraTa'Vaalor Correspondent
MacillusSpecial Projects
MersenneCoding & Newsie at Large
NewsbyNews Anchor
OubarTownCrier Interviewer on Loan
RovvigenRaffle & Events Correspondent
StonmelSpecial Projects
XanlinTips & Repo Editor
YlandraCopy Editor
Your Name HereWe're Looking for You!
Confidential Informant
Our Solhaven source maintains a large array of contacts in the area and remains well informed, but anonymous.
Loose Lips Sink Ships
Solhaven Source
Goat adds multiple skills to the TownCrier. You’re as likely to find him at the front lines of the KST invasion of the night as researching some obscure information about game mechanics or history.
I’m not one of them, but I’m not necessary one of you, either. I am one of me
Research Editor
Search here for some of Goat’s works
Elysia haunts the official GS Calendar of events to make sure they get added to Newsby’s lineup of events. Even when we are given less than 24 hours notice at times! She also runs the Item of the Week Feature to celebrate all the weird and wonderful things to be found in Elanthia.
Elysia generally spends her time wandering around the world with a certain Sylvan Forest Lord who is only slightly more directionally challenged than she is; which is to say, they are often walking east when they think they are walking west. They seldom stay in one place for more than a few weeks, and prize good company and memorable experiences above all else.
“The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot
Calendar Editor
Search here for some of Elysia’s works
Felarion is the TownCrier News Correspondent for events and happenings around the Shining City of Ta’Illistim.
A Quote Goes Here
Ta'Illistim Intern
Florania records and reports on the ongoing history of the Landing and major events surrounding it, along with occasional help from her boisterous daughter Leafiara who’s quicker to rush to the front lines of breaking news. She may at times fill in and host the Town Hall meetings if her daughter is indisposed.
So long as bards sing, we shall preserve our precious past.
Landing Chronicler
Irar Snickers is the Deacon of the Church of Koar in Wehnimer’s Landing and a news correspondent for the TownCrier. He came to be known as a devoted paladin of Koar during Prelate Chaston Griffin’s bloody pogrom and afterward, a spiritual leader of the Koarite faithful in the Landing.
Irar was instrumental in covering stories in the early days of the Crier before branching off into recruiting.
The best thing about life is knowing you put it together
Currently on Leave
Search here for some of Irar’s works
Kaldonis keeps us updated on the events in the Rest and is one of the people we know we can lean on for technical expertise. Don’t miss his utilities for Lich:
;repository list ‐‐author=kaldonis
“You’re just as bad as those monsters!”
~from a lost child mid-rescue
River's Rest Tech
Search here for some of Kaldonis’ works
Leafi reports on current events in and around Wehnimer’s Landing, where she can often be found dashing about day and night! She also hosts public Town Hall meetings in the Landing once or twice a month and helps with numerous TownCrier projects behind the scenes, including entirely too many proposals that create more work for Luxie. Does this lass’s troublemaking know no end?
May the faces of our friends be our cheer and warmth and light
May the smiles and the laughs we share last long into the night
May we cherish every day and the joys both great and small
May we never lose our way and walk with loved ones through it all ♪
Storyline Editor - Landing
Search here for some of Leafiara’s works
Lylia Rashere is part of the Wehnimer’s Landing’s Team coverage, even during her busy schedule as Mayor. Her wisdom and advice helped to found the TownCrier team and continues to provide a gracious and much-valued point of view on matters large and small.
The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves. ~ Machiavelli
Landing Correspondent
Search here for some of Lylia’s works
Lynaera lives and reports on the goings-on inside the Fortress of Ta’Vaalor. From regularly planned events to social gatherings to the surprise attack, she keeps her ears open and her finger on the pulse of this dynamic Elven city.
Lady in Waiting: A lady-in-waiting or court lady is a female personal assistant at a court, royal or feudal, attending on a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman.
Ta'Vaalor Correspondent
Search here for some of Lynaera’s works
Macillus is a scamp and a scallywag – a swindler and a sneak thief. When he’s not in jail (and sometimes when he is). Mac takes on special projects for the TownCrier, such as the amazingly delightful and careful way he brought us Sweetheart Week in 2018.
“Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” -Mark Twain/Ozzy Osbourne
Special Projects
Search here for some of Mac’s works
Mersenne provides unparalleled tech support for the TownCrier’s various coding needs across several platforms and integrations while keeping his reporting abilities sharp no matter where he may be wandering about in Elanthia.
A Quote Goes Here
Coding & Reporter at Large
Search here for some of Mersenne’s works
Newsby is the main news anchor for the TownCrier channel on Lnet. She’s not an adventurer, she’s a regular member of the townsfolks of Wehnimer’s Landing, and works full time spreading the News.
I’m staying at my desk where it’s safe!
News Anchor
Oubar is currently out on loan.
Oubar is a gnome in a giantman’s body. Endlessly curious and slightly flighty, he’s nonetheless earnest and loyal. His inquisitive nature lends itself well to the life of a TownCrier Correspondent and has driven him to produce a number of Interview Sessions, chronicling the histories and lives of some of the more notable names in Elanthia.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh
TownCrier Interviews
Rovvigen is the reporter on-the-spot for a number of events and activities. He keeps track of all the raffles for you, too! He is a wizard and diviner, an officer at Silvergate Inn and part of the Sphere and Scythe.
“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.”
Raffle & Events Correspondent
Search here for some of Rovvigen’s works
Stonmel works on TownCrier special projects – everything from April Fools’ Day, Newsby’s Night Out murder mystery, and organizing all the items for our table at the annual Crafts Bazaar. You never know what he’ll come up with next, but it’ll be fun!
“Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder” – Garak, Deep Space Nine
Special Projects
Search here for some of Stonmel’s work
Xanlin works up useful tips and repository script suggestions from your suggestions and his favorites. He is a favorite locksmith in and around Ta’Illistim and the author of the much-loved Lich script ;invdb (you should try it if you have not already).
Open locksmith, will travel.
Tips and Repository Editor
Ylandra Clashbringer, High Priestess of Cholen, is one of the TownCrier’s unlauded assets. She proofreads our projects and newsfeeds and tries to keep us grounded.
A Quote Goes Here
TownCrier Copy Editor
Your Name Here
Add your best ideas to the TownCrier Team. There are also big things and small which need staffing. Contact Luxelle for more information about joining the Team. In GemStone, via Lich, or on Discord: @Luxie3115
No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. ~ Robin Williams
We're Looking For You!
Luxelle Machtes Ashrim is the founder and publisher for the TownCrier. As an Elanthian Bardess, she dotes on music and stories. Ask her anytime for a song!
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” ― Albert Einstein