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Eyes on Talador

GM Kenstrom posts news from Talador; it seems all the eyes of the world focus there while Imperial forces tackle the Prelate who has gotten too big for his … church. Also – temporary hunting ground via portal to Talador against Chaston’s EverBlooded troops

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 11/02/2016 01:25 PM CDT
Subj: Eyes on Talador
Just days ago, the first wave of imperial forces hit the borders of Talador and immediately faced off against the Barony’s provincial army as well as countless, immortal Blameless crusaders. There is little to nothing to compare to the might of the imperial’s army, but the endless sea of Blameless have given the attackers pause and some initial setbacks. Provincial forces from Jantalar are also said to be on the march, along with some Vornavian soldiers to help push against the tide of Blameless and Taladorians.

Along the borders of Talador, countless stone outposts have provided a defensible bulwark for the Blameless and other Taladorians, and the imperial forces are working hard to overcome them and gain ground, seeking to drive towards the Barony’s capitol by week’s end. Reports indicate that both Prelate Chaston, and the Wrathbringer Drangell have been seen in Talador themselves, with Drangell leading some of the fighting at the borders against the imperial army.

More recent rumors indicate that Drangell may be en route back to the capitol of Talador after reports have indicated adventurers from Wehnimer’s Landing have found a way behind enemy lines and are involved in open conflict both inside, and outside of Talador’s main city.


Talador is open temporarily for some hunting. There’s 3 zones. Outside of the city, inside the city, and inside the Temple of Koar. The portal to Talador is located in the inner courtyard of the Hendoran Outpost (which is found in the grasslands.) The Outpost is currently open for everyone to travel inside. Be warned. The portal is unstable, and can teleport you to 3 random locations, so be aware of your surroundings!

-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer’s Landing
Human Guru

Strongest foe vanquished: Roblar


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