DUSKRUIN NEWS: PM Wyrom unveils the two new events to replace Mania and the Auction at Duskruin. Mondo Shenanigans: he will randomly select people from the audience to participate, and they will pay in bloodscrip to play. There will be an assortment of stuff. Moon Whopper: there will be a periodic shop that appears with high end things for sale, things beyond the scope of HESS, with no auction, no scaling prices.

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
[Duskruin] Mania Replacement
on 10 Aug 2023 3:12 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forums/paid-events channel

As mentioned last run, Mania would be coming to an end and we’d maybe try something new. Well we are trying something new and I’ll be using this thread to announce details as we go. Just a bit to whet your appetite though.

The plan is to split what was once called Mania into two separate events.

The big attractive event, we’ll just call it Mondo Shenanigans as a working title, will be an event where we’ll randomly select people from the audience to participate. There will be a cost to play in bloodscrip relative to what can be won. We’ll do an assortment of stuff here.

The second portion, we’ll call it Moon Whopper as a working title, will be a periodic shop that appears that will have high end things for sale, beyond the scope of HESS. There won’t be many gimmicks here, no auction, and no scaling pricing.

I’ll post more details in this thread as we get closer to the events.
Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.