DUSKRUIN UPDATES: PM Wyrom revised Duskruin post titles. Check out the new/revised ENDLESS ones from his Discord post. Plus, the status of your Experience Orb chances will be showing in the DUSKRUIN Command now.

Text of Discord Post follows:

Wyrom: 1:46pm, #Duskruin channell, 8 Feb 2022 Also… Another verb “not-really-a-teaser” thing.

  Smithy Invite Acquired:          Yes
  Arena Exp Orb Chance:          0.08%
  Sewers Exp Orb Chance:        99.84%
  Heist Exp Orb Chance:          0.04%

Wyrom, #Duskruin Channel, 1:43pm on 8 Feb 2022: The Jugg is making an appearance
You have access to the following titles from the DUSKRUIN-POST group:

  Combatant of Duskruin Arena *

  Gladiator of Duskruin Arena *

  Hero of Duskruin Arena *

  Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Grand Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Flawless Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Combatant of Perpetuity *

  Abiding Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Heroic Tactician *

  Bloodriven Brute *

  Merciless Executioner

  Companion of Duskruin Arena

  Blood Ally of Duskruin Arena

  Whirlwind of Duskruin Arena *

  Fleetfooted Legion

  Cowardly Adventurer

  Prey of the Sands

  Tunnel Sweeper of Bloodriven Village *

  Bloodriven Sewer Runner

  Rat Catcher of Bloodriven Village *

  Rat Collector

  Smuggler of Bloodriven Village

  Recruit of the Silent Investors *

  Marauder of the Silent Investors

  Militant of the Silent Investors

  Partner of the Silent Investors

  Associate of the Poisoned Heretics

  Assassin of the Poisoned Heretics *

  Silencer of the Poisoned Heretics *

  Plague Eagle of the Poisoned Heretics *

  Burglar of the Ophidian Cabal *

  Bandit of the Ophidian Cabal

  Shadowfoot of the Ophidian Cabal

  Bloody Asp of the Ophidian Cabal

  Endless Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Infinite Champion of Duskruin Arena

  Eternal Juggernaut

  Unsurpassable Titan

  Relentless Vanquisher

Right there at the bottom

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.