DUSKRUIN SHENANIGANS: PM Wyrom gave some more details about the Shenanigans, set for Saturday, September 2nd at 4pm (tentatively). The auction will be first with some private properties and some. unique items. Then the Main Event starts, which involves people being selected as contestants to buy-in with (lots of) bloodscrip. He sets out how an RPA will work like a reverse door prize. All the details for you and your bloodscrip to read:

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
[Duskruin] Shenanigans Details
on 30 Aug 2023 3:05 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forums/paid-events channel

We will be hosting Shenanigans on September 2nd at tentatively 4pm ET. We will start with the auction, which will have several properties and unique items up for grabs. Properties will have a reserve of 400,000 bloodscrip. Many other items will be in the 1mil+ category. Once the auction is over, we’ll be putting out a call for the main event to start, the door will be locked after we start.

A reverse door prize will be offered when you leave the room, which will be the RPA. You won’t be able to get back in until the door is opened back up during breaks, which I do plan to take. The RPA will only be available at the very beginning and the very end. Breaks may have some flat exp, we’ll see how it goes, but don’t count on it. Either come to stay or come and go for the exp. If you want to leave after we get started, you may risk missing out on that sweet RPA, so make sure you choose your reverse door prize wisely.

The way the event will work is someone will be randomly selected and they will have a buy-in to play a game. The buy-in will be directly related to the level of prize you can win. You will get a prize no matter what, but it will be different if you win or lose. The value of the prize will always be tied to the losing item, whereas the winning item should have a better value than the price to play. Hopefully that all makes sense. You won’t compete against others, you’ll always be playing against yourself/RNG. Games should be quick, they might have an audience element, it be silly or dumb. Come prepared, no leaving and coming back. If you win a service, you will need the item on you, so bring anything you think you might want a service on. If the game requires some secondary items, try to think of goofy things I might ask for. The price to play might not always be bloodscrip, but it will never be silver.

The idea is this is intended to be fun, probably time consuming, and not everyone will be selected (hence the reverse door prize). If this is interesting to you, or you’re going to be upset at how long you might be locked into it, probably best to skip out or just take that reverse door prize.

I gave Jara a sneak peek of the new area, be sure to watch his upcoming video if you’re interested!

I’ll edit this post if things change or I need to add more info.
Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.