ANNOUNCEMENT: PM Wyrom announced upcoming GIFTBOX surprises for subscribers: one each for the next three weeks, beginning Friday, July 21. Each giftbox will include a unique item. Each week at the same time, there will be an EVENT BOX available for purchase containing a former Giftbox item from previous years and some other goodies. Wyrom will post details about each release. Remember, each GIFTBOX and EVENT BOX will only be available for 1 week.

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
Upcoming GIFTBOXes and EVENT BOXex
on 17 Jul 2023 2:25 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #gamemaster-endnotes channel

Hey gang, just a note about some upcoming GIFTBOX and EVENT BOX releases. As you all are aware, we have a pending box for the crash and instability surrounding the March auction. We had 2 unique items planned. For various reasons and complications with planning multiple GIFTBOX releases at once, it’s been delayed over and over. We have a total of 3 unique items that will be offered for a limited time. So here is the plan.

I will be releasing 3 GIFTBOXes, one each week starting Friday, July 21st, each with a unique item made for these releases. Alongside each GIFTBOX, I’ll be doing an EVENT BOX that you can purchase a former GIFTBOX item from previous years with some other goodies. I’ll post details on each release. But they will only be available for a week each, so don’t wait until it’s too late. I won’t be able to extend any of these to stay on schedule for our Duskruin releases.
Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.