WORDS FROM WYROM: PM Wyrom discussed Lockouts (and Lockins…who knew!?) on Tuesday. There’s different kinds, durations, situations, etc. His candid remarks were both on Discord and the Officials.

Text of Discord Post follows:

Wyrom via Discord, 8 Feb 2022, 4:13pm on #general: I had a few questions come up this week, and since it might be a hot topic, I figure I’ll toss it here and on the forums. Lockouts can come in many different flavors. They typically go 30, 60, 90, indefinite, and permanent. Sometimes there are situation where a lockout is temporary until an agreement can be made. The difference between indefinite and permanent is just indefinite doesn’t have a timeline set and can be reviewed every 6 months to 12 months. Permanent is usually not reviewed after it is decided.

These can all change depending on who is overseeing the game as Product Manager. I tend to be more lenient and rarely pull the trigger on something permanent. You have to be in some deep game mechanics abuse or intense harassment to get there. Older infraction might still get reviewed by me if they land on my virtual desk. Some permanent bans in the 90s, for example, were for some pretty lightweight things.

Direct Discord Link

on 02/08/2022 05:08 PM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Help for Players ~ Policy Discussions

I had a few questions come up this week, and since it might be a hot topic, I figure I’ll toss it here and on Discord. LOCKOUTs can come in many different flavors. They typically go 30, 60, 90, indefinite, and permanent. Sometimes there are situation where a lockout is temporary until an agreement can be made. The difference between indefinite and permanent is just indefinite doesn’t have a timeline set and can be reviewed every 6 months to 12 months. Permanent is usually not reviewed after it is decided.

These can all change depending on who is overseeing the game as Product Manager. I tend to be more lenient and rarely pull the trigger on something permanent. You have to be in some deep game mechanics abuse or intense harassment to get there. Older infraction might still get reviewed by me if they land on my virtual desk. Some permanent bans in the 90s, for example, were for some pretty lightweight things.

LOCKINs also can occur, these are timeouts. They last anywhere between 1 hour and 3 days depending on the situation. You aren’t removed from the game and your account isn’t shut down. You are removed from the game environment though for the duration. Sometimes you may need to talk to a GameMaster after it’s over.

Wyrom, PM


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.