WIKI: GM Tivvy announced that the wiki is removing restrictions on pages about third party software (for GemStone). All the details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Tivvy
New Wiki Policy About Third Party Software
on 22 May 2023
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in the help/Wiki Category

The wiki is, and always has been, a community-led resource, just like other wikis. Staff have oversight over a style guide to keep things consistent, which is something you’ll see across all wikis and we moderate pages to make sure they’re in compliance. I understand how sometimes that can feel like a fiefdom, but really they’re just a set of formatting and categorization guidelines to make things across the wiki easier for everyone to find. If there’s something in the style guide that you disagree with, you’re welcome to broach that topic here. We’re always open to input and discussion when it comes to making the wiki a more user-friendly (and editor-friendly) resource for everyone.

That said, we’ve been looking at ways to affirm the community-led nature of the wiki and, as a result, we did recently discuss the existing guidelines regarding Lich-related content on the wiki. We understood the concerns about not wanting to further fragment the documentation and information many players use to play Gemstone. We will be shortly amending the policy listed on the wiki covering third-party software-related pages on the GSWiki.

Moving forward, third-party software content that is related to Gemstone (in this case, we’re largely speaking of Lich) will be allowed on the GSWiki without prior approval from the staff wiki team, with a few caveats.

All Lich-related articles require the use of the namespace “Lich:” to denote it is an article pertaining to the third-party software.

All third-party software content pages must make use of a banner that will be created soon that states that it is a third-party application page and not maintained by Simu, and that Simu is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on them or liable for issues stemming from the use of the application on players’ personal devices.

GSWiki moderators will be moderating those pages for vulgarity, harassment, ToS, and policy violations as Simu sees fit, but will not monitor for content/accuracy. Policy violations include items like spamming the creation of multiple unnecessary pages/redirects and promotion of violations of game policy as listed in game via the POLICY verb.

If violations are found for any of the items specifically listed in #3, the talk/discussion pages will be used to document the violation, and there will be a 7-day grace period to amend those violations. Failure to do so within the 7 days will result in the removal of the violating pages. Repeated violations on one or across multiple pages can result in potential punitive action for the editor(s), including revocation of editing privileges.

I’m hoping you all don’t mind giving us a little time to get the banner template and policy put on the wiki before adding new Lich-related pages. It should be soon!

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.