PREMIUM: GM Quilic puts every defender and visitor to Mist Harbor on notice that beginning May 1st, when the story time hiatus is over, you should be prepared for combat until the finale (tentatively May 29th). Also: BUY DEEDS.

What Dreams May Come ~ Schedule Update
on 04/18/2022 02:48 PM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Cities, Towns, and Outposts ~ Mist Harbor

Hi all,

As you know, we are on hiatus for Rings of Lumnis, and slated to start back up in May. Here is the schedule going forward for this storyline:

We will resume on May 1st, on the same schedule as always (Sundays at 3pm EST). This storyline is highly likely to conclude on May 29th, though that may shift a little bit as things develop.

Beginning on May 1st, all residents, defenders, and visitors are officially on notice to be prepared for combat until the storyline concludes.

Thank you, and to quote a friend: Buy Deeds.

~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.