PREMIUM: GM Quilic updated us about the new auction script for the Big Premium Auction on July 30. So that promissory notes can be used, you will need to bid with an empty hand. He noted free sacks of shame will be provided if you are unable to hold the item you win. There’s even a codicil for people who win without empty hands or are unable to accept due to encumbrance. Read the update:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Quilic
Update on New Auction Script
on 24 July 2022 7:48 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in #premium channel

Hey guys, just an update of sorts, as the auction is still a little fluid. GM Vanah and GM Meraki have been doing a ton of QOL stuff to the script that will be the framework of the auction. One item of note, rather than attempting to suspend all note fees for the duration of the auction, they have managed to make it to where the item will be automatically moved to an empty hand (if the winner cannot hold the item, a sack will be generated and used to facilitate). If the winner has no empty hands, then the item will go under the table and you’ll need to do the silvers shuffle to pick it up (so keep a hand empty!) Also, every item for auction will be able to be INSPECTed and ANALYZEd, with a similar output to RECALL for each item. They’ve been working like crazy on a bunch of really cool improvements that will make things go a lot smoother, right up until I bungle everything and break it.

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.