ANNOUNCEMENT: Two new Hunting areas around Zul Logoth are open! Stormpeak, with a range of critters from 16 to 81, details at the wiki: – The second kiramon-filled trouble area, The Hive, is a challenging post-cap hunting area (full disclosure, there’s also three 40something critters), also at the wiki:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
Stormpeak Released
on 17 Dec 2023 9:43 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

Rodverg, Clan Leader of Zul Logoth, took a group into the ancient ruins of Li’aerion to find the source of the torrential rains besieging the town. After discovering a pack of water hounds, the group met with Mistress Phrys, a woman who told them a legend about lightning-worshipping titans who dwelled in the highest peaks of the Dragonspine. After discovering the source of the hounds, the brave adventurers ascended to the crown of the Stormpeak to discover a titan encampment dedicated to the elemental Veiki.

OOC Note: The new hunting ground called Stormpeak has been released in Zul Logoth.

Creatures Include:
Wind Witches (Level 16)
Thunder Trolls (Level 18)
Water Hounds (Level 24)
Vapor Hounds (Level 24)
Storm Hounds (Level 24)
Swirling Spectres (Level 37)
Storm Giants (Level 39)
Storm Griffins (Level 73)
Krag Dwellers (Level 72)
Lightning Fiends (Level 79)
Titan Stormcallers (Level 83)
Tempest Tyrants (Level 85)
and Veiki Heralds (Level 81)

New Area Details:
Creatures: Oscuro & Auchand
Room Painting: Haliste & Reidyn
Gemstones: Galene
Storyline/Release Event: Netz, Marstreforn, Auchand, Thandiwe, Valyrka

Follow discussions regarding Stormpeak on Discord: ⁠[Official] Stormpeak

GM Thandiwe
The Hive Released
on 17 Dec 2023 9:57 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #-announcements channel

Huske, the dwarven archivist, met with a crowd that had been summoned to Zul Logoth by the strange, alien presence that had been invading the minds of aelotoi across Elanith. Growing in power, the presence had begun broadening its reach into other humanoids’ thoughts. They were met by a trio of aelotoi: Alyeano, Mertus, and the mage Zathrigaust. At the urging of the crowd, Huske led a group down into the Czeroth Subterane, the source of an immense kiramon invasion.

Zathrigaust offered a hypothesis: he believed that the kiramon had been awakened from their relative dormancy by a stray signal from the hivemind, carried on starlight, and that they were now instinctively reaching back out to reconnect by any means necessary. He exhorted the crowd to interfere and try to cut the kiramon off from whatever they were trying to use to reconnect.

After a pitched fight, the group delved down into the hive and were confronted with a massive crystal imbued with astral energy. Zathrigaust realized there was no way to destroy or move the crystal, so he instead chose to use it to enter the astral plane and restrain its powers for as long as he could, asking the gathered adventurers to do what they could to fight the kiramon and discover a longer-term solution in the time he could buy them.

OOC Information:
The Hive is Live! This new ascension hunting ground includes:
kiramon myrmidon
hive thralls
kresh ravagers
kiramon stalkers
kiramon strandweavers
kiramon shardminds
kiramon overminds

Creature Coding: Auchand
Creature Design: Oscuro
Area Concept: Netz
Area Painting: Gyres, Auchand, Netz
New Gemstones: Galene
Follow the discussion: ⁠[Official] The Hive
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.