ANNOUNCEMENT: Wyrom announced long-standing bugs with fishing were fixed, as well as making the the whole experience easier. Fish are not as strong, reeling in formula redesigned, all fishing rods equal (no penalty for heavier ones), no two-fisted fishing (sorry), no fishing from dropped/stowed rods (not sorry), custom fish flavors when you cook, and at Ebon Gate Only: removed some of realism at start regarding fish weights – no more 30lb+ fish, folks. Details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
on 26 Sept 2022 2:59 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel


Some long-standing bugs with fishing have been cleaned up, as well as some ease to the whole process.

When first hooking a fish, it will not be as strong as it was anymore. The player will also get a higher chance to roll a higher number (think sort of like an open roll, but not quite the same). The formula for the initial attempts to real in a fish take the player’s enhanced strength stat and a random roll against the fish’s strength and a random roll. There is more to it, but this part has been cleaned up!

Those with fishing rods that weighed 2lbs or more will NO LONGER be at a disadvantage (you were, exponentially with anything that weighed over 3lbs). All fishing rods will be treated equally. If you had a light fishing rod, you likely will not see any difference here.

You can no longer hold two fishing rods (sorry). You can no longer drop or stow a fishing rod with a cast line (not really sorry). Both of these had checks previously, but they could be bypassed.

Custom fish flavors when you cook a fish will exist out in Elanthia. These were all be overwritten with a “cooked” message, which is the default if a GM didn’t provide a specific flavor for these fish. This might not impact a lot out there, but some fishing spots will definitely have some more immersion!

Ebon Gate only: We are removing some of the realism with the initial start of the fish weight. Using the documentation of the system, it indicates certain values, which we were all following. But there shouldn’t be any more 30lb+ fish out there anymore.

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.