RINGS OF LUMNIS: The newest preview for Rings of Lumnis is from GM Thandiwe, via Discord. Here’s the announcement and link to more information about the new Papermaker mechanism!

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
Rings of Lumnis Papermaker Preview
29 March 2022 12:13am
From GemStone Discord #event-announcements channel

You analyze your lacewood mechanism and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

The Papermaker was created by the Order of the Lumnasi Viragos on the Isle of Ornath.

The mechanism will create paper if given the proper materials to do so.

Basic Papermaking Instructions
1. Place some kind of foraged bark within the mechanism
2. Pour water into the mechanism (or cast Minor Water at the mechanism.)
3. Drop a silver wand in the mechanism to charge it
4. Tap the mechanism to create your paper
5. Push the buttons on the mechanism to retrieve your paper

Additional Steps for Advanced Papermaking
~*~ These instructions are for BEFORE using push
6. Pour Dye into the mechanism to create colored paper

Tips for Papermaking
1. Look at the mechanism to see everything set on it
2. Glance at the mechanism will show you what you can make

The mechanism is tier 1 out of 3.

It has access to the following verbs: cast (Minor Water), glance (See Design), look, pour (Add Water or Dye), push (Get Created Paper), put (Add Bark or Silver Wand), and tap (Create Paper)

This mechanism can create writing paper.

There’s more information at the official Papermaker Page at the GS Wiki.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.