EBON GATE NEWS: GM Thandiwe announced the opening of the Materials Maketh Man shop at Ebon Gate, home to the all-new Fabricator, which stores fabrics for you! Cobbling or general bolts will both work seamlessly so you have everything you need in one handy spot.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
Fabricator On Sale Now
on 1 October 2022 9:04 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #ebon-gate channel

Materials Maketh Man will be opening shortly, its primary sale feature is the Fabricator.

(few messages down:)

You analyze your sewing hamper and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Fabricator found in the shop Materials Maketh Man at Evermore Hollow.

The hamper is designed to store 20 bolts of fabric, which can be either of the cobbling or un-zested variety.
They are allowed to stack.

PLUCK – Retrieve the fabric you have stored inside
WHISPER – Tell the hamper which fabric you would like to retrieve

Advanced Usage:
FEED – Transform an unzested cloth item into a bolt of unzested fabric
GAZE – Check the charged status of the hamper
NUDGE – Toggle between creating cobbling Uppers or Trim
PUSH – Transform an unzested bolt of fabric into a cobbling fabric
RUB – Charge the hamper (Must be a blue crystal and have at least 2 charges)

Note: Crystals are consumed during charging process. All fabrics must be held in order to use the Advanced Usage options.

Dyed Color of Ratan: blue
Dyed Color of Wicker: red
Design of Fabric Lining: a star-patterned (must start with an article)

The hamper is tier 2 of 2.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.