EBON GATE: GM Xayle and GM Thandiwe roll the credits for the brand new Ebon Gate 2022 in a Discord Forum post. From concept to layout, from painting to wordsmithing, from coding to VOLUNTEER (!) shops, from the live games, to the prizes, from QC to the Wiki, it was a combined effort of more many, many staffers. I tried three times to count the people involved and finally gave up getting the same number…

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Xayle
Cast, Credits, and Thank Yous for Ebon Gate 2022
on 2 December 2022 7:36 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
on premium category

After a month of recovery and rest (apparently there IS rest for the wicked), it’s time to unveil the cast, credits, and thank yous of Ebon Gate 2022.

I’d like to thank the players, who contributed to our survey, stuck with us through the sometimes rocky lead up, the adjustments after the beginning, and all the way to the end. Thank you for helping breathe life into the festival. It would be nothing without you.

Credit for the concept of Naidem goes to GM Thandiwe, who introduced the realm to us last year, and this year helped bring it to life with the vibrancy and creativity she brings to all of her endeavors. It provided a marvelous canvas to paint on.

Mapping and layout was done by GM Xayle, while the painting was handled by more than a few GMs. Their wizardry with words brought Evermore Hollow to life. In addition to adding their colorful strokes to the areas, they also created the many quests found throughout, as well as the ambient messaging that makes even the extraordinary seem that much more magical. Many thanks to GM Casil, GM Elidi, GM Elysani, GM Haliste, GM Marstreform, GM Netz, GM Thandiwe, GM Wyrom, GM Xayle, and GM Xynwen.

Coders for any event are rockstars, making all our imaginings reality, whether through the enhancement of the grounds or the items for sale. They also rescue us from ourselves when our creations break or take on an unintended life of their own. Big piles of thanks go to GM Avaluka, GM Elidi, GM Haliste, GM Ivry, GM Kaikala, GM Lanadriel, GM Mazreth, GM Meraki, GM Mestys, GM Naiken, GM Naos, GM Netz, GM Retser, GM Tamuz, GM Thandiwe, GM Tivvy, GM Valyrka, GM Vanah, GM Wylloh, GM Xeraphina, GM Xynwen, and GM Yusri.

Shops were almost entirely done on a volunteer basis, so we owe much gratitude GMs that contributed their time and creativity with unique and inspired offerings. Thanks go to GM Avaluka, GM Casil, GM Elidi, GM Elysani, GM Ethereal, GM Flannihan, GM Galene, GM Haliste, GM Itzel, GM Kaikala, GM Khorbin, GM Lanadriel, GM Mariath, GM Marstreforn, GM Mazreth, GM Meraki, GM Naiken, GM Naos, GM Netz, GM Retser, GM Tamuz, GM Thandiwe, GM Tivvy, GM Valyrka, GM Vanah, GM Wylloh, GM Xayle, GM Xeraphina, and GM Xynwen.

The live games at Ebon Gate have always filled a unique niche, inviting players to flex their creative muscle and show out with their performances and creations. Our thanks go to GM Avaluka, GM Casil, GM Elysani, GM Galene, GM Marstreforn, GM Naionna, GM Tivvy, GM Wylloh, GM Xayle, and GM Xynwen for helping players bring their own color to the festival.

GHOUL is central to EG, and this year we can thank GM Mariath, GM Naionna, and GM Tivvy.

Profound thanks go to those who donated and/or created the prizes for various games and the Trove: GM Caerrigan, GM Elidi, GM Elysani, GM Haliste, GM Itzel, GM Kaikala, GM Meraki, GM Naos, GM Netz, GM Reidyn, GM Tamuz, GM Thandiwe, GM Tivvy, GM Valyrka, GM Wylloh, GM Xayle, GM Xynwen, and GM Yusri.

The unsung heroes of any festival are the QCers, who often get the thankless job of reminding us to use spell check and weeding through hundreds of lines of code to make sure things are as close to perfect as possible. Gratitude goes to our QCers: GM Aiza, GM Casil, GM Estild, GM Flannihan, GM Haliste, GM Haxus, GM Isten, GM Itzel, GM Ixix, GM Lanadriel, GM Mariath, GM Mestys, GM Modrian, GM Naiken, GM Naos, GM Retser, GM Sleken, GM Tamuz, GM Thandiwe, GM Vanah GM Xayle, and GM Xynwen.

Another group that often goes thankless as things magically appear in tidy lists and neat tables are our Wiki Techs. What they do is a sort of black magic that makes all our lives easier. Thank you to GM Elysani, GM Kaikala, GM Lanadriel, and GM Xeraphina.

We’d also like to thank our GameHost staff and Wiki Moderator for their support throughout the festival and after.

Again, our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who made this festival the success that it was, and we hope to see you all again next year.

~ GM Thandiwe and GM Xayle

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.