NEWS: GM Auchand adds an explanation of Spell Power in the Spell Disabler Review Updates discussion on the official GS Discord. The affected disabler spells that use SMR take into account your level and spell circle ranks to produce Spell Power, which determines your success vs. your foes. Spell Aim ranks add to your Spell Power but offer a much smaller contribution than spell circle ranks. More details, with exceptions for Ewave and Major Ewave:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Auchand
[Official] Spell Disabler Review
on 03 Jan 2024 7:47 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forums/mechanics channel

So, let’s talk Spell Power! The new disabler spells that use SMR take into account your level and your spell circle ranks to produce to produce Spell Power, which is what determines your success at punishing your foes. Spell Aim ranks can add to your Spell Power, but they offer a much smaller contribution than spell circle ranks. Disablers have a bonus to success; AOE disablers have a smaller bonus to success. 410 (Ewave) and 435 (Major Ewave) have also been updated to be more forgiving for those of you on the 10-ranks-is-all-you-get bandwagon.
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.