ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Thandiwe announced updates to Solhaven! The new Limpidity shop is open in South Market with glass items. Kuon’s Shrine is open in the Temple of Imaera. The newly refurbished Bobo’s Toy Park opens, put a shadow puppet play on the new informal stage. Don’t miss the small beach on one edge of the Park. Temples will start ringing the Hours, and listen for school bells and parents calling their children home for dinner. Also: Snow. All the details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
[Prime] Solhaven’s 7 Days/Nights of Illumination
on 15 Dec 2023 12:59 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #prime-announcements channel

On the Day of the Huntress, as the first day/night of the 7 Days/Nights of Illumination, the Mercantile Guild welcomed a new business to South Market. Limpidity, run by a gnomish family, sells a variety of glass items and the new owners are happy to customize them for you. They offer twenty unique designs to Solhaven.

Additionally, the quiet release of Kuon’s Shrine in the Temple of Imaera took place.

As the day of the Huntress turned into the Morning of Feastday, the Ceremony of Dispelling the Shadows took place. Starting at Tumbledown Lane and ending in South Market, citizens, sailors, dockworkers, and more moved through the purposefully darkened streets to symbolically return the light. Once in South Market, beverages were shared and then everyone journeyed to Changeling Bending where the newly refurbished Bobo’s Toy Park was opened and christened with its first performance. A shadow puppet play highlighting historical moments of Vornavis’ part in the War of the Nations.
Bobo’s Toy Park has an informal stage, colorful topiary, and a small beach that touches the waters of the bay. As a result, you can collect Sea Critters from that location.

Additionally, starting today, during the Hours of Lumnis, Phoen, Tonis, and Ronan, the temples of the prospective deities will ring out the hour.

Monday – Friday, except during holidays, the bells of the schools will be heard multiple times throughout the day. And as dusk settles in, parents will call their children home for dinner.

Lastly, snow can now be seen to be accumulating on the various houses and shops throughout the town. And a few snow piles have been placed.

OOC Note: Five-Six rooms in South Market have been cleaned up to have their shops, warehouses, or other items embedded into the room text. This includes South Market Proper.

Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.