TIP: Luxelle suggested these Six Hacks for Searching the Play.Net GemStone Forum. For that moment when you or your bestie realize there’s no search box at the Officials.

  1. Use Google to search one of the sister-product URLs, which, for some reason, they let be searchable:
    site:tinyheroes.com SEARCH TERM/S HERE (remember to make GemStoneIV one of your search terms)
  2. Search the gswiki (Also search Google without the site: option, it can sometimes find things better at the wiki than the wiki can. Thankfully, our wiki IS able to be indexed by Google)
  3. If it has happened in the last 6-ish years, search the TownCrier: http://gstowncrier.com
  4. If it was an update to the game, look over the GemStone ChangeLog that Miss Leafi keeps up at the TownCrier. There’s a detailed summary for each year from 2019 to current:
  5. There is a GS specific search engine that can find the darndest things! http://gs4search.surge.sh/
  6. There is some historical data stored in old messages at the Player’s Corner web site, use that url for a Google site search like option A site:gsplayers.com

Did she miss anything?


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.