RUMOR WOODS UPDATE: GM Thandiwe announced updates (and insight) into the Fox Hunt and Pixie Hunt events at Rumor Woods. There are skill training boosts involved in both. The raikhen rewards will be 275 to 290, or 400 if you find the fox/pixie. Experience rewards were increased, too. There are many more details you may want to review:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
Rumor Woods – Fox & Pixie Hunt
on 14 June 2023 3:04 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #event-announcement channel

Some updates to both the Fox and Pixie Hunts will be going in this run.

In prior runs, you needed to be 2x (or more) in survival for TRACK or 2x (or more) in perception for OBSERVE for a 50% chance to find the fox or pixie in the room you were in. There is different messaging to indicate your skill level. Going forward if you’re 2x (or more) in the proper skill, you will have a guaranteed chance to see if the room you’re in has the fox or pixie. If you’re 1x (or more, but not 2x) you’ll have a 50% chance, instead of a 33% chance. If you have under 1x, it will be a 25% instead of 20%.

As a reminder, the fox and pixie have chosen a “favorite” spot randomly when you enter but will run around the area with you. In the fox hunt, the fox can travel out of the dead-end rooms by going through some of the environs to get to its “favorite” spot. This is intended and has been the same since the initial debut of this. It is possible to track a fox into the dead end by the stone hut, but the fox can sort of cheat and end up in the Raven’s Circle. The pixie hunt doesn’t have these dead ends, so the pixie doesn’t really have any rooms that it can bounce around to. It typically goes from room to room, but like the fox, it is always trying to get you to its “favorite” room. In both cases, the movement is very random and can do a whole lot of running back and forth. The best rule of thumb is to follow the animal if you see it, but don’t keep tracking or observing in the same rooms if it does the whole back-and-forth bit. Just move to a new room. You won’t always see the fox or pixie so it’s best to try to keep moving around.

The raikhen rewards will be 275 to 290 for not finding the fox. If you have properly tracked/observed a room and don’t see ANY signs, this room will award a more prized animal and get you more raikhen. If you see paw prints (fox) or tiny footprints (pixie), this means you failed your skill check and you will get the lesser prized animal. If you don’t track/observe at all, you get the worst outcome (275). If you find the fox or pixie, you will get 400. Due to how long it takes to track/observe, it’s not possible to always find the fox or pixie, so trying each time rather than just searching will be more rewarding. As long as you successfully track/observe, you will get between 286 and 290. If you tracked/observed, but weren’t successful, you’ll earn between 276 and 285. The intended rate at which you get the max reward is about once every ten runs. I know this wasn’t the case in previous runs, but my numbers show that most people didn’t look and just quickly ended their runs inside by searching.

New messaging has been added for searching without doing anything else (you are given a warning if you want to do this, this part isn’t new). Don’t get finding the fox or pixie confused with finding the pet. There are specific items that summon them, a bugle for the fox and a bell for the new pet. Finding the fox or pixie is just for raikhen rewards and has nothing to do with finding the pets or the item rewards. I will discuss an updated list of rewards in another thread, as all the other activities can draw from them.

Lastly, exp awards have been increased from 10 for track/observe to 12 and the search went from 25 to 100. You can track/observe multiple times, so you can earn over 280 exp if you are efficient at using your time.

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.