GRAND AUCTION RULES: PM Wyrom posted rules for the Grand Auction of 5123. No passing of anything. Use silvers or a note, the note must be in your hand. You may only win 1 thing per account. Free2Play accounts cannot enter the auction. There will be no breaks. The entry will be closed with only a few brief periods when the doors will re-open again. Look for the Auction Warehouse from the Landing North Gate NW, S, GO PATH, GO ARCH, GO WAREHOUSE. More rules and details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
The Grand Auction of 5123 Rules
on 25 March 2023 8:10 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

* No passing of notes, silvers, or items that hold either. Doing so will disqualify you. If you try to circumvent this rule in any way (be it drop an item, hide an item somewhere, nested containers), and try to participate at the auction, you will be banned even if we don’t catch you right away. This goes into effect at 7pm ET auction day. This is only for March, in April this restriction will be lifted.

* You may only win one item per account (April will have this restriction lifted).

* F2P accounts cannot enter the auction (if you subscribe on auction day, there is a chance you will still miss entering).

* There will be no breaks after we start unless there is a need to fix something with the auction.

* The entry to the the auction will close after we begin. It will reopen periodically throughout the night for a brief period to allow for late arrivals.

* If you leave the room, whether type OUT, log off, or get disconnected, you will NOT be able to re-enter until we open the auction’s warehouse again.

* You need silver and notes on you. The auction will take both, but notes must be in your hand.

* You must retrieve your item from inside the podium after you win the bid.

* The auction will be located just outside the Landing. From North Gate go NW S GO PATH GO ARCH GO WAREHOUSE.

* BUY OUT on any item is the integer cap of 2147483647.

* The minimum bid and reserve should be the same price.

Be sure to check this announcement before the auction begins, as some rules may be added or modified from now until then if we missed something or were not clear.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.