PREMIUM FEST RAFFLES: There are 8 Premium Fest Raffles Sunday: @2:27pm WPS on 1 item (500k, 31297 on table), @7:01pm empowerable jewelry w/1k charges of 215, 606, 618, or 1209 (50k, 31295 table), @8pm 8x shield (75k, 31287 on table), @9pm recharge eligible magic item (50k, 31345), @9:01pm forehead gem (25k, 23876), @9:58pm20 min alter session (50k, 31312 teacup), @10pm T3 Voln Armor (50k, 31335 on table), @11pm Unlock dreamfire panel (50k, 31319 on stand) All the Details:


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.