HOT SUMMER NIGHTS PREMIUM EDITION: GM Quilic announced new grounding slips for 100 premium points that will let you set your premium transport jewelry to up to 5 different locations in Mist Harbor without citizenship requirements. Details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Quilic
Hot Summer Nights Release #7: Grounded
on 24 Jul 2023 7:53 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #premium-announcements channel

Effective immediately, there are mauve grounding slips for sale on the marble counter in the Lighthouse’s Gift Shop. These slips sell for 100 Premium Points, and allow a person to set a new custom target for their transporter, up to a maximum of 5. TWIST can be used to rotate through the options.

Please note that all transporters have 1 of these options already filled, and it cannot be changed. In Prime, this is the Safe Haven, and in other instances it’s Gardenia Commons. As a result, you may designate four other custom options on any given transporter.

The system does check rooms for transportability, and the target must be within Mist Harbor, but there are no citizen-based requirements, nor are there any restrictions on indoor/outdoor rooms.
You glance down to see a generic transporter in your right hand and a mauve grounding slip in your left hand.
>analy my trans

This item is currently grounded to always have you land in the room called, “Safe Haven, Great Room,” in Mist Harbor. You can toggle this setting to drop you to a random location via the FLIP verb.

>raise my slip
You are about to attempt to ground your generic transporter to The Lighthouse. If you would like to confirm this attempt, please RAISE your grounding slip in this room within the next 10 seconds.

>raise my slip
The Lighthouse has been added as a grounding option for your generic transporter.

Your slip crumbles to dust.
>analy my transport

This item is currently grounded to always have you land in the room called, “Safe Haven, Great Room,” in Mist Harbor. You can toggle this setting to drop you to a random location via the FLIP verb.

Your transporter also has the option of transporting you to the following locations:
“The Lighthouse,” in Mist Harbor.

To switch to one of these locations, TWIST your generic transporter.
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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.