PREMIUM: GM Quilic posted a partial list of services for Premium Fest, which is July 8-15 this year. Watch for more information about the festival.

Text of Discord Post follows:

Premium Fest 2022 – Partial List of Services
on 06/27/2022 12:38 PM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in GemStone IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered ~ Premium Discussion

Hi all,

At this year’s Premium Fest, in addition to (many) other services that will be offered, I will be offering the following limited services:

* Enhancive Property Removal: This will be for 10 randomly chosen individuals. For a nominal fee, they will be able to have a single POSITIVE enhancive property removed from any item.

* Premium Point Enhancive Reconfiguration: This will be for 10 randomly chosen individuals. For a moderate fee, they will be able to completely rebuild an EXISTING Premium Point Enhancive that is already attuned to them. This will be a complete “redo”, as if you were getting a new PP enhancive of the same tier from scratch. Getting enhancives from another tier is not permitted as part of this service.

Partial list of other services that are slated to be offered for a limited number of individuals:
* Recharging magical items for silvers
* Alteration Sessions
* Animal Companion Grooming
* Sonic Alterations
* Custom Swears
* Custom Verbs

Please note that the above is a very limited list, just intended as a teaser of sorts, and to let people know about services for which they might want to plan. The Enhancive Removal and PP Enhancive Reconfiguration will be scheduled ahead of time, giving people time to plan if they’re interested in either service.

More information to come as we get closer to the actual event!

~SGM Quilic

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.