OSA UPDATE: GM Retser announced a white flag update to OSA. If your ship is not already engaged with an enemy, or spawned one, a white flag will prevent ships from approaching it and just let you sail on by.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Retser
[OSA Update] System
on 11 Nov 2023 5:34 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

Hey everyone! Raising your WHITE FLAG with SHIP FLAG WHITE will now prevent PVE/ENEMY boats from spawning against your ship. This will NOT stop a boat that is already spawned for you or if you’re already engaged.

Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.