DUSKRUIN PREVIEW: Origami paper and patterns will be available at Duskruin in the Bloody Lotus. See more of what GM Xynwen teases here:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Xynwen
Origami Teaser Duskruin August 2022
on 9 August 2022 9:20 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in #duskruin #August Duskruin Teasers

On another note:
[The Bloody Lotus, Paper]

In the Common language, it reads:
Origami paper is sold on the desk. If you wish origami patterns, please see the erithi in back.
To increase the amount of paper in your stack, use the certificates in the chest. Bronze certificates increase one sheet at a time, silver add twenty five sheets, and gold add fifty sheets. Your stacks of paper cannot hold more than five hundred sheets. Certificates can be used on paper STORED in origami boxes (sold in back).
A tall erithi origami master rummages through a stack of papers, finds an appropriate chart, and holds it out for you to review.

anvil (anvil)      barn (barn)    fan (fan)
hat (hat)          key (key)      rat (rat)
rowboat (rowboat)  sloop (sloop)

A tall erithi origami master continues, “If you see a pattern that you are interested in learning, you can ASK me ABOUT BUY {pattern}, and I will give you a cost for that pattern. All patterns of the same skill level will cost the same amount, but the cost may vary from area to area. Don’t forget, though, that I am not able to sell you a pattern that you are not skilled enough to create. However, I can sell you paper instructions that you can use at a later time once you have the appropriate skill.”

A tall erithi origami master rummages through a stack of papers, finds an appropriate chart, and holds it out for you to review.

atika (atika)        bard (bard)       cleric (cleric)
empath (empath)      knight (knight)   monk (monk)
paladin (paladin)    ranger (ranger)   rogue (rogue)
sorcerer (sorcerer)  warrior (warrior) wizard (wizard)

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.