ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Kenstrom says it’s that time again! There will be an OOC Meeting for the Landing and Humans on Saturday, July 2 at KST time (So technically that is Sunday around 1:30am ish game time). Look for the blue portal east of Moot Hall. He will reveal his upcoming projects and storylines, have a Q&A time, and maybe do the Wheel of Deeds!

Wehnimer’s Landing/Humans OOC Meeting – 7/2/22
on 06/30/2022 06:53 PM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Cities, Towns, and Outposts ~ Wehnimer’s Landing

It’s that time again! As we enter into the second half of the year, I will be hosting the next Wehnimer’s Landing / Humans OOC Town Hall Meeting!

It will be KST (so late, around 10:30pm-ish PST) on Sat, 7/2/22. Look for a blue portal east of Moot Hall.

I will spend the first bit going over some of my upcoming projects, storylines, and then open the floor for questions and answers. We may even do the Wheel of Deeds!

See you then!

-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer’s Landing


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.