UPDATE: GM Casil posted that there were Map and Terrain Fixes in Old Ta’Faendryl to address bugs, directional issues, missing rooms, and minor terrain changes. Read on for all the details and a map marked with the updates:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Bjarbie Casil
on 08 Apr 2024 11:49 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

There were some long-standing mapping issues in OTF where portals or directions were linked to the incorrect rooms. Additionally, we identified a couple of areas where it would be beneficial to have bidirectional connections instead of one-way. We also discovered a room that managed to evade being connected for a couple of decades despite being able to accumulate creatures like some secret Ithzir factory, so this has been corrected.

The exact rooms and updates are listed below to make this change as seamless as possible for those that use scripts for navigation. We’ve also made markings to indicate our changes on Tsoran’s existing map, for you visual folks.

Note: Shattered instance, this update will go in later tonight. This is LIVE in Prime and Platinum.

East Woods
Marked in green on map:
u17002201 now connects northwest to u17002232.

Marked in red on map:
u17002202 now correctly goes north to u17002201.
u17002207 now correctly goes north to u17002206.

Marked in orange on map:
u17002234 now goes east to the previously inaccessible u17002235. Run free, Ithzir!

Marked in blue on map: We investigated this area, and it was previously fixed to connect correctly and does not match the map.

Old Ta’Faendryl, East
Marked in red on map:
u17004057 (Room “E”) now correctly goes north to u17004051

Basilica Plaza
Marked in red on map:
The steps in u17004054 now correctly link to u17004168. This resolves the “Room A” connects to “Room B” instead of “C” issue noted on the map.

Old Ta’Faendryl, River Bend
Marked in green on map:
u17004021 and u17004026 now connect bidirectionally. This should help give the creatures there a more circular pattern of motion, rather than getting stuck linearly along the river due to the previous one-way direction.


Terrain Update
Marked in purple:
Due to the limited rooms available for many foraging tasks, rooms u17002329 and u17002332 have had the terrain updated to help support these tasks.


Bug Fix
u17004018 and u17004020 were trapping creatures. This has been fixed.

He posted this edited Map image:

Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.