ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Estild announced that Comprehend Languages (1315), Clarity of Thought (1319), Astral Spear (1408), Displace (1409), Mana Burst (1414), Astral Vault (1417) are now available on scrolls in the treasure system! Convoke (1435) is also live, but cannot be found on scrolls. (OK, who has the pool for the release date for Savants?) More details at:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Estild
Major Mental and Savant Spell Scrolls
on 1 January 2023 12:11 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in the mechanics Category

A number of Major Mental and Savant spells can now be found on scrolls. At least for the time being, these spells will also be inaccessible via Fash’lo’nae’s Gift (1750).

Comprehend Languages (1315):
Comprehend Languages is a standard duration (20 min + 1 min/spell rank) buff on the caster that allows them to understand, but not speak, any racial languages that characters can normally learn. At 20 ranks of Mental Lore – Divination, they can understand cultural languages and then guild languages at 50 ranks of Mental Lore – Divination.

Clarity of Thought (1319):
Provides +30 Mental CS for the next cast within 2 minutes. The duration does not stack, but the spell is castable on others.

Astral Spear (1408):
Projects a spear from the astral plane that pierces the target and has a chance to dispel a spell from the target. This is a bolt spell, so uses Spell Aiming to determine Attack Strength. The base chance for a dispel is 15% + 1% per 5 ranks of Mental Mana Control.

Displace (1409):
Allows the caster to teleport an object to or from another character. The spell works across vast distances within the caster’s current teleportation zone, but also outside of it, once they have 25 ranks of Mental Lore – Transference. The recipient is prompted to ACCEPT or DECLINE sending or receiving the item. Not all items are eligible and only one item may be sent (no containers with other items inside).

(Read beyond this post for detailed descriptions of these spells.)

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.