BARD LUCK ON TEST: GM Ivry announced the availability of the new Bard Luck Service on the TEST Server. We are waiting for you to TEST it! Check the table in Town Square West of the Landing for blank items, songstones, and fully charged Tier 6 lucky items for everyone to test! Remember, the teleport command to get to the Landing is DEMO TELEPORT LANDING. To grant yourself some resources: DEMO PROFPOINTS. Here are all the details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Ivry
The Bard Service is on Test!
on 19 Dec 2023 5:54 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #development-announcements channel

The bustling marketplace of Wehnimer’s Landing was abuzz with the news of a rare and wondrous discovery – Singing Stones. These mystical gems said to have originated from the depths of a distant place yet to be mapped, are rumored to possess extraordinary powers. Its delicate, crystalline form, resembling a cluster of clover leaves, shimmers with an ethereal green glow.

As the gossip spread, it was revealed that the stone held the unique ability to capture and amplify vibrations. When carefully held, the stone could amplify a resonant field capable of encouraging an ordinary object to accept an extraordinary aura. Bards, the town’s storytellers and entertainers, were particularly drawn to this magical property, sensing the potential to transform cherished items into personal lucky charms.

With utmost care and reverence, a Bard approached a customer. He gently presented a songstone, explaining its mystical nature and inviting the customer to select a personal belonging that held a deep significance for them, yet no instrument of war. As the chosen keepsake was held within the stone’s resonant field of the Bard holding both, it released a surge of vibrant energy that enveloped the item with magic and helped the singer successfully create one of the very first Lucky charms.

The ordinary object was now imbued with a touch of luck, and once successfully inspired by a Bard of sufficient skill, bound to its owner’s destiny as a lucky charm, a symbol of hope, resilience, and second chances.

The Bard Service is on Test!

There is a table in [Town Square, West] (7045) in the Test instance that has a small blank lucky item, a large fully charged Tier 6 Lucky item, and Songstones!

Songstones can be bundled up to 12 charges and become songstone clusters when bundled
Luck T1 expects 1 songstone, and then plus one charge per additional tier for a max cost of 6 charges for T6
Songstones must be bundled into sufficient charges for the application to succeed.
Application of songstones is on the Bard, for 5 minutes to allow service success before ending.
Expects songstone/cluster in left hand, potential item in right hand.


Holding a songstone in your left hand and the item in your right
PREP 1006, CAST item, twice. 30 mana cost
Suffuse and Resources work if needed for success
For adding Luck charges:

PREP 1006, CHANNEL item, twice. No songstone required.
1000 inspiration per charge cost

Discussions here: ⁠Bard Service⁠

NOTE:PREP SONG OF LUCK, then SING for quick refresher help

GM Ivry
Success Factors
on 22 Dec 2023 (edit of original post with updated factors)
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #mechanics/Bard Service channel

Level: +1 per level (100)
Intuition: +1 per stat bonus (25)
Influence: +1 per stat bonus (25)
Bard songs: 2 per rank up to level then 1 (202)
Mental Mana Control: 1 per rank (101)
Elemental Mana Control: 1 per rank (101)
Magic Item Use: 1 per rank (202)
Tavern or Shrine of Cholen, Jastev, or Tilamaire Bonus: +20
Baseline Maximum: 100 + 25 + 25 + 302 + 101 + 101 + 202 + 20 = 876

75 + (tier * 75)
T6 difficulty 525 base

Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.