ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Xywen announced two new shops in River’s Rest, both run by folks who were rescued from the Caligos Isle sinking. The Mist and Shore carries cooking staples and the Trident’s Voyage has hand-carved utensils and some food offerings.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Xynwen
Enter the Refugees – River’s Rest Introduces Two New Shops!
on 10 December 2022 3:20 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

Lady Kynsella was joined by Omiko and Ivybell to introduce two new shops. Ivybell and her wife, Merryvine, are running The Mist and Shore Bakery. Doryn and Cori have opened Trident’s Voyage. Rescued during the sinking of Caligos Isle, these refugees have been working with Lady Kynsella and the shopkeepers of River’s Rest to renovate two buildings near the Captain’s Quarters. These are now open!

The Mist and Shore carries several cooking staples, and you may need to get on the shopkeepers’ good side to see everything they have to offer. Trident’s Voyage has hand-carved utensils and several lovely food offerings. They all hope the townsfolk and its adventuring population enjoy these new wares as they settle into their new lives in River’s Rest.

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.