PREMIUM AUCTION: Quilic snapshots – well, more like shares the log – the new auction mechanics that will be used for Saturday’s Big Premium Silvers Auction. Use notes or silvers, encumbrance won’t be an issue, he said.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Quilic
Preview of New Auction Mechanics
on 28 July 7:49 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in the #premium channel

Starting with the link at the bottom, we learn:

So what do people want to see as far as “rules” go?
I can do a snapshot of what it looks like when you bid, get outbid, win, and all that
Just wondering if there’s other functionality people are curious about, or specific rules that I need to clarify.

Notes or silvers will work (encumbrance won’t be an issue).

You have 979,500,631 coins with you.
You are carrying a total of 979,500,631 silvers.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 672 silver in the town of Icemule Trace.
Quilic *BANGS* his gavel! “The bidding is now open for lot number 40: a heavy backpack! Who will start the bidding at 20 silvers?”

>bid 20

The auctioneer nods to you as you bid 20 silvers.

The auctioneer calls out, “Biddertwo bids 20 silvers! New bids must be at least 22 silvers.”
Quilic announces “Lot number 40: a heavy backpack! Going to Biddertwo for 20 silvers. *BANG* goes Quilic’s gavel. “GOING ONCE!” he cries.
Quilic announces “Lot number 40: a heavy backpack! Going to Biddertwo for 20 silvers. *BANG* goes Quilic’s gavel. “GOING TWICE!” he cries.
*BANG*! “Sold to Biddertwo for 20 silvers,” exclaims Quilic the Auctioneer!

One of the auctioneer’s many assistants approaches you relieves you of the burden of all that silver.

The auctioneer’s assistant quickly shifts the lot from the top of the display table and delivers a heavy backpack to you. He leans in and says, “Congratulations, well won!”
You need to have the coins on you/available
So if you have a coin hand, make sure it’s OPEN
Otherwise, you will need a note to be able to place your BID

Regarding where your note can be:
You have no silver coins with you.
You are carrying Icemule promissory notes valued at a total of 10,000,000 silver.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 672 silver in the town of Icemule Trace.
>stow left
You put an Icemule promissory note in your forest green backpack.
Quilic picks up a large sack.
Quilic put a large sack on the display table.
Quilic *BANGS* his gavel! “The bidding is now open for lot number 40: a large sack! Who will start the bidding at 20 silvers?”

>bid 20

The auctioneer nods to you as you bid 20 silvers.

The auctioneer calls out, “Biddertwo bids 20 silvers! New bids must be at least 22 silvers.”

Everything can be INSPECTed and ANALYZEd to get almost everything you would get out of a RECALL.
I’ll have a blurb about each item, but most of what you’re looking for will be in INSPECT
(So my blurbs are not going to be as exhaustive as originally planned)

Increments of time are entirely manual, as far as going once, going twice, etc.
Now – I’m gonna keep it hopping. We have a lot to get through.
I’d rather be too fast, and finish, then too slow and not

No limit to number of wins

Bid syntax examples from GM Vanuh
BID by itself gives syntax in auction room.
Minimum bid is 10% over current bid

Bid 2,000
Bid 2k
Bid 2m
Bid 2000m

You can comma or not!

It (the bid) echoes to the speech window
And broadcasts to ESP
So you have a couple of options there
And is in bold

There’s a safety if you bid over 150m that it will only increase by the minimum.
If the bids get over 150m, it limits the bid to 10% over the last bid
So you couldn’t jump to 200m

Above updated 29 July at 10:48am by Vanah: via Discord:

Okay I removed the safeguard over 150m. Bid only what you are prepared to spend! I added the BID usage to the BID verb page on the wiki

Back to Quilic:
So, for matching, once an item gets to the “sold” bit, I can tell the system “Hey, we can do 3 more at that price”, and it will auto-offer them once the first one goes sold.
(First come, first served on any price match.)

Min bid for everything, I believe, will be 20 silver

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.