RUMOR WOODS NEWS: GM Ethereal announced the next Flourish will be at Rumor Woods, and it’s going to be Lesser Moods in a flourish! He’s calling it Least Moods, probably because it’s so easy to add yourself now! But it’s not in the script slot, it is a flourish for your armaments! Happy Flaring! They’ll be for sale at the Starry Lotus shop in the Sunstruck room. Here’s the wiki page with the glorious Lesser Moods messaging:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Ethereal
[Rumor Woods 2024] Greater… lesser… least?
on 17 Apr 2024 3:42 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forums/paid-events channel

A gnome barely concealed by a shambling zombie costume wanders in…

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If that’s true, then we have created an item that could make even the most stalwart Vaalorian soldier blush.

New for this year’s run of Rumor Woods is the second Flourish to be offered to players: Least Moods! Like Lesser Moods, this flourish can be attached to any weapon, shield, armor, or armor accessory to add ambient messaging based on the item’s flare or other abilities. However, since it is a flourish, it does not consume the script or subscript slot, leaving room for more murderous mayhem. It also does not require a GM to apply it – simply redeem the certificate and you’re all set!

These certificates will be available in the Starry Lotus’ Sunstruck room for 2,500 raikhen when the event launches on Friday!

Kudos: Wyrom for letting me blatantly steal borrow his concept, Estild and Isten for QC’ing, and Xynwen for letting me bum in her shop like some vagrant.

Is this compatible with subscripts like Rotflares or Flare Affinity? – Yes.

Can I have multiple copies on the same item? – No.

Are there any restrictions? – There are two: 1) the item’s script or subscript cannot trap GET, WEAR or REMOVE. Items may have custom messaging for these actions and still work with Least Moods. This really only knocks out scripts that do something very complex with these verbs. 2) Least Moods is not compatible if the item has Greater or Lesser Moods.

Any other notes? – This Flourish attempts to use APPROVE, similar to Lesser Moods, to turn the ambient messaging on and off. If the item’s script or subscript traps APPROVE, then the Flourish will attempt to use GAZE. If the script or subscript traps APPROVE and GAZE, then the Flourish certificate will not let you apply it.
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.