EBON GATE: GM Haliste announced the amazing frying pans that will be sold in Sizzle and Spice. There are smoke, cooking, and finishing styles available for the pans. Toss in your ingredients and serve! Mmmm!

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Haliste
[Ebon Gate] Sizzle and Spice
on 25 Sep 2023 9:09 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #event-announcements channel

Who wants to be a chef?! If that’s you, then this might be your shop. Build your own creations with flavors and tastes completely unique to the dish you create!

What do I mean, you ask? Well… let me show you!

>tap pan
You tap the frying pan placed alongside you.

>l in pan
In the frying pan you see some butter, a red tomato and a bear shank.

Frying pans have smoke styles, cooking styles, and finishing styles. These affect both the cooking messaging and the final product.

Here’s the final product of the above dish:

a portion of grilled bear shank garnished with tomatoes and butter

Here’s the (random) taste messaging for it:

Basted lightly with natural juices, the grilled approach to the shank’s preparation accentuates the dominant sweet flavor, giving way to the more inconspicuous taste of the butter.
Balanced between butter and tomatoes, a bear shank embraces the delightful tastes of both, spilling flavorful teases into each bite.

There is a lot of taste messages based on # of and type of ingredients. Raw fish, creature shanks (unlock), and creature organs (unlock) are primary items. Most vegetable/fruit forageables will also work as primary items. Most edible forageables, grocery items, and Finishing Touch items will work as secondary/tertiary items.

Note that the above example is a fully unlocked frying pan that allows for up to three ingredients and has the creature shank unlock. Off the shelf utensils can accept one primary ingredient of either fish or fruit/vegetables. The latter can be foraged items, OR they can be… cooking ingredients grown in the Magic Pots that are also sold in this shop.
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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.