NEWS: GM Estild discussed a bit more about the Hinterwilds on Discord Saturday. Extra rewards for hunting there: Better Treasure, LTE on every kill (up to 1,000 daily cap), 10% more silver, bounty points, experience and some extra fame from Guild Bounties, Big Game Hunter Ascension Milestones, and a completely new reward that he does not name. Details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Estild
Initial Hinterwilds Release Rewards
2 April 2022 6:04pm
from GS Discord, #mechanics channel

For the initial Hinterwilds release, we’re planning these additional rewards (and these more globally apply to any new Ascension creatures):
* Better treasure (level based modifier that applies after hunting pressure (similar to loot boosts), so hunting level 115 ascension creatures will provide a greater bonus than level 101).
* LTE on every kill (1,000 daily cap, amount based upon the amount of field experience granted by the kill (which also means, you can’t gain more once fried, similar to boss creatures) and modified by the creature’s level (like treasure)).
* 10% more silver, bounty points, experience, and fame from Hinterwilds Adventurers’ Guild bounties.
* Big Game Hunter Ascension Milestone eligibility for the cinereous chthonian sybil and silver-scaled cold wyrm boss creatures in the Hinterwilds.

We’re also planning an entirely new reward that will require more work, but we don’t need to hold up the release for it. Most of these will be available for testing soon.

The treasure bonus against level 115 Ascension creatures is the same as a Major Loot Boost. But they stack and potentially some players will avoid the challenge, thus such creatures could have better normal loot due to less hunting pressure.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.