PREMIUM: GM Quilic is working on suggestions from the OOC Meeting. He announced the Presidigitorium on Tigerlily Avenue of Mist Harbor is now designated as a Public Workshop. In addition and The Shrine to Jaston inside the Cleric Guild is now a functional shrine. The “omnishrine” suggestion has been tabled for the future, perhaps. Details at the Forum:

FWI Shrines and Workshop updates
on 01/13/2022 06:05 PM

Hi all,

As of a few minutes ago, the Prestidigitorium on Tigerlily Avenue has been designated as a Public Workshop (akin to the Abandoned Inn outside Wehnimer’s).

Further, the Shrine to Jaston inside the Cleric’s Guild has been made to be a functional shrine as far as the appropriate mechanical bonuses and benefits.

Finally, at present there will not be an “omnishrine” for Four Winds Isle. Given the role that Arkati and other spirits have on Elanthia, it’s not appropriate just to randomly add a shrine without a corresponding storyline/event. This is even more true for an omnishrine. At some point in the future, this may be possible, but not at present.


~ASGM Quilic</BR />
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller

This message was originally posted in Cities, Towns, and Outposts, Mist Harbor. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.