SUNDAY in Elanthia:

  • 10am: Tinker Quarla’s GALD and custom Tattoos (Premium)-FWI (more info)
  • Noon: Brunch and Game-RR
  • 1pm: Rumplesnoots Adventuring Company Bug Collecting-IMT (more info)
  • At the Faendryl Symposium today-WL: (more info)
    • 2pm: Perfumery
    • 3pm: Faendryl Food
    • 4pm: Faendryl Spice Trade
    • 7pm: The Nature of Undeath by Xorus
  • 9pm: Dame Wanton and Sir Yarx Memorial Tournament-WL (more info)
  • 9pm: Cobbling Seminar-SILVERWOOD MANOR (more info)
  • 10pm: Town Defense Training 101-WL (more info)

(All Times Eastern)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.