UPDATE: GM Estild lays out the planned changes for when Divergence is given the axe, per Wyrom’s announcement in the Creating Adventure letter to players.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Estild
on 8 January 7:33 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in the mechanics Category

Regarding Wyrom’s Creating Adventure – January 2023 (https://gswiki.play.net/Creating_Adventure_-_January_2023) announcement, below are the details we’re currently planning for the removal of Divergence. The current implementation can be reviewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kN-1Of1A8HvgERjNQdBrXpQGk-SH72q4gqja9dkp33I/edit#heading=h.ynx2a2khr7o2.

Cooldowns for short duration spells (140, 211, 215, 219, 919, 1619) will go live.
Numerous effects (including the above short duration spells) were already made exempt from Manastorm, Spellburst, and Spell Sever.
Spirit Slayer (240): clerics are in a good position, but empaths probably need a few updates, so we plan to wait before implementing this cooldown.
Breeze’s (612) haste effect will go live.
Updated minimum roundtime for melee weapons will go live.
All the other bard and wizard updates are suspended when Divergence is disabled.
PSM AoE setups (reduced from 4s to 3s) will go live.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.