ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Naijin announced that Empaths can now TRANSFER (player) EXERTION to cure popped muscles! This innate ability is learned at level 6 and earns experience like a rank 1 nerve wound. CURE EXERTION will work with Adrenaline Surge, too, provided you know the spell. This looks safe for Kroderine Soul.

Empaths learn a new trick!

on 02/02/2022 08:15 PM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics ~ Developer’s Corner

Hey all,

Empaths are now able to TRANSFER {player} EXERTION to cure muscle exertion, also known as POP’d muscles. This is an innate ability that opens up at level 6 and grants the same experience as curing a rank 1 nerve wound. You may also use CURE EXERTION to cast Adrenaline Surge (1107), provided you know the spell.

– Naijin


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.