EBON GATE NEWS: GM Thandiwe announced that there will be price adjustments to items sold at Ebon Gate shops to come into conformance with Rumor Woods and Duskruin shops. So far, mentioned by name: the “-inators” and consumables. Details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
General Pricing Adjustments
on 20 Sep 2023 5:47 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forums/paid-events channel

As we head into Ebon Gate at Naidem, we have been doing our annual inventorying of the shops and noticed a distinct discrepancy in many of the prices. With all the Pay Events now having currency that generates the same amount and is equally valued, we realized that some items were not the same across the board.

For example, dyes used to cost a different price at Rings of Lumnis, Rumor Woods, Duskruin, and Ebon Gate. With Rumor Woods, we matched up the pricing so that things were more in-line and there was less guess work.

We will be going through and doing the same thing with Ebon Gate.

Those items that are consumable and have charges will be increased to the fee set at Rumor Woods and Duskruin.

One other thing that I wanted to talk about is all of the “-inators.” These items hold typically between 24-30 unique items that can stack unlimitedly and are weightless. I’ve been underselling their value and under evaluating their price for what they do. As a result, all “-inators” at all events will be increased to a flat 1,000 (event currency). Those that have unlocks will not see an increase in their unlock certificates.

I realize that many of you may have some reactions that are strong to this information. However, I ask that you please be patient. Nothing will be raised to gouging levels and will still be reasonably priced. Some things just need an uptick.
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.