DUSKRUIN NEWS: GM Avaluka announced updates to the Portable Alcohol Still at Duskruin this month. The new features includes new recipes, adjectives, possible flavors, and a new ability to create chocolate liqueurs! More details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Avaluka
[Duskruin] Portable Alcohol Still Updates!
on 01 Aug 2023 7:32 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #forum/paid-events- channel

Some exciting new updates are coming to the alcohol-brewing stills at Duskruin this August! All unlockable updates mentioned will automatically* be available on God Auction versions of the stills, but unlock certificates will be available for purchase for Basic stills. Any new flavors or adjectives announced will soon be available* to all stills.

What’s on tap?
* New racial and cultural adjectives based on the race of the character brewing the alcohol. All cultural adjectives for your race will be available no matter what culture you are. Go ahead- create that bottle of dwarven ale or jug of Mhoragian moonshine!
* A new unlockable feature that will allow the stills to create syringes of alcohol in addition to bottles. These syringes can inject alcohol into molded chocolates from the chocolate heaters or chocolate versions of candy Bugs On Parade/Life Aquatic creatures. The resulting chocolates will be alcoholic and contain the taste notes of the alcohol injected in them, as well as any effects! Now you can create your own line of chocolate liqueurs.
* 7 new unlockable alcohol recipes: applejack, bochet, cyser, lambic, metheglin, pulque, and tichalyth.
* A multitude of new allowable flavors: acorn, angelica root, blaestonberry, brown sugar, cactus-bloom, carrot, celery, chicory, chive, garlic, moonflower, motherwort, mushroom, onion, salt, sassafras, scallion, snowberry, tomato, valerian.

Be sure to visit the shop Be Still My Hops for all your alcohol-brewing needs!

Note: Availability to current stills may be slightly delayed depending on certain circumstances. I will make an additional announcement when these updates are live.
Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.