DUSKRUIN TEASER: GM Elysani gives us a Mania tease with the private property Cormorant’s Roost, and GM Tivvy confirmed that private properties will be going out at Mania on Friday and Saturday!

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Elysani
Cormorant’s Roost Teaser
on 23 August 2022 02:05 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in #duskruin

Cormorant’s Roost is located in KF, snuggled covertly into the pawnshop.
For the discerning gentleman/woman pirate

[Cormorant’s Roost, Office]
Wall-to-ceiling shelves of rich mahogany boast gold-framed glass cases, the containers intermingled with various relics and antiques angled across the darkly lacquered wood. A map-covered driftwood desk dominates the back of the room, flanked on the left side by stacks of ledgers and volumes of aged leather, a horizontal glass bottle nestled atop the pile. To the right, a tall ironwood-carved kraken engulfs a battle-marred galleon, the sculpture’s tentacles wrapped around the rooted desk.
That’s directly from your door at the pawnshop
>put map in kraken
You toss your item towards the kraken and its mechanical tentacles whir to life, snatching the item from mid-air as it pulls it down into the depths of the container. The tentacles click softly, wrapping themselves back against the rooted desk.
>l bottle
The elongated glass bottle contains a smallscale model of a wooden frigate, its translucent vellum sails unfurled above the cormorant-carved mast. Tiny cannons of polished eahnor face towards a dark-marred man o’ war, the crystalline blue waves churning with crests of nacre. Several long tentacles lay below the surface, subtly encircling both ships at the point of collision.
The bottle is actually a multi-room transport…thing, so I’ll give that info to the owner so they can hop around the property
>get link
You carefully pry a dagger from the wall, then separate a sausage link in the crate. You carefully slice yourself a piece before hurling the dagger back into the wood with precision.

Tivvy — Today at 2:14 PM
as of right now there are some properties going out on Friday and some on Saturday.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.