UPDATE: GM Xeraphina announced that Cursed Armor WILL be able to be sanctified on Discord. There’s already a -200 gear difficulty in place, and an additional -250 will be added on top of that for sanctification. In the good news department, there is a +50 difficulty bonus on it for ensorcelling. (Discord, #Duskruin channel at 6:38pm, 15 Jan 2022):

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Xeraphina: Okay, y’all. The blocking of sanctification for CursedArmor has been review and the results are in (and final).
CursedArmor will be able to be sanctified, HOWEVER, in additional to the -200 gear difficulty in place, there will be an ADDITIONAL -250 added on top of that for sanctification. Additionally, there will be a bonus of +50 for ensorcelling CursedArmor.
Cause, ya know… it’s supposed to be dark and dangerous and…

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.