PREMIUM: The Cobbler’s Delight shop in Mist Harbor was approved by the city for a major expansion, coming very soon. Making use of their large warehouse footprint, there will be four new rooms to house seasonal inventory year-round from the wandering carts. When it is finished, you won’t have to go chase down cobbling carts at the exact right times!

Cobblers Rejoice!
01/19/2022 02:16 PM
in Cities, Towns, and Outposts ~ Mist Harbor

Tacked to a community message board, a parchment in neat, narrow lettering states:

The shop, Cobbler’s Delight, is expanding! Funds have been secured for the addition of four rooms to the shop to house the seasonal inventory previously available on carts. This seasonal merchandise will now be available year round inside the shop. After much consideration, the wandering Cobbling carts will be retired and a refresh is planned for sometime in the future. All other seasonal carts will remain in operation and unchanged at this time.

Thank you for your patience,

Master Cobbler Zeva

This message approved for posting by : Kelk Interim Assistant to Jorgarn


The shop is in QC and the carts will continue their normal rotation until it is ready for release. They will be removed from circulation upon release.



Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.