EVENT-DR: Cheap Shots (Constructive Criticism) from the Cheap Seats Returns! Come drink with the merry band of revelers, lending your advice loudly and often to the gladiators below Saturday, August 20 at 11:30pm in the Cheap Seats of the Bloodriven Arena (Room 30355).

Cheap Shots from the Cheap Seats EVERY Saturday of Summer Duskruin 2022 (Aug 13, 20, 27…) at 11:30 PM EST in the Cheap Seats of Duskruin Arena (# 30355)
08/11/2022 02:41 PM CDT
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Current and Upcoming Events

It’s a cruel (cruel), cruel summer, and it’s about to get even crueler. Strange voices are sayin’ (what did they say?). Things I can’t understand. It’s too hot to handle, so you got to get up and shout myriad witty barbs loudly down upon the Bloodriven gladiators below. They’re fighting too close for comfort, and this arena will get right out of hand!

Cheap Shots (Constructive Criticism) from the Cheap Seats Returns!

Brush off your best drunken critiques, clever one-liners, and pithy screams. Come drink with our merry band of revelers and lend your best advice loudly and often EVERY Saturday (Aug 13, 20, 27) of Duskruin at 11:30 PM EST in the Cheap Seats of the Bloodriven Arena (# 30355).

EVERYONE IS INVITED, Stay for a break in combat, stay the whole night!

(also, feel free to heckle ANYTIME, it’s an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS way to support your friends during downtime)

Note: Drunkruin (like a “Cheap Seats+”) will likely occur on the FINAL Saturday, in which I encourage people to drink their faces off and see who can get the furthest wasted. There will be prizes, there will be drinking, there will be chaos.



Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.