STORYLINE-WL: Chandrellia seeks a safe haven for the orphans of Wellington home to prepare for a counter attack from Gnul for the merciless killing of unborn griffons, and Sablo’s sickening display of a dead baby griffon infront of Moot Hall.

Eye for an Eye
on 12/13/2022 07:20 AM
from Play.Net Forum Link
in Cities, Towns, and Outposts ~ Wehnimer’s Landing

Dear Mayor Thadston,

As I sit in my home and recollect about the last few days, I cant help but wonder. With Sablo and quite a large number of Wehnimer’s Citizens assisting with the merciless killing of unhatched griffons on Thanatoph. Will Gnul take just as much of a merciless act out on our town? I can understand quelling the adult griffons, however an entire hatchery is beyond imagine. We defend our childeren with our lives every time we get attacked. We have countless childeren left orphaned, a large number now residing at the Wellington Home.

With knowing this it brings me to wonder, would Gnul raise an attack on our childeren as so many did to the unborn griffons? Some say Gnul isnt that smart to pull such an attack, yet here he is uniting so many different creatures under one banner. Some say that the griffons were not native to the area, yet they found a hatchery. Some also say that the griffons are just birds and have not the same meaning as human life, yet doesnt all life have meaning?

With that being said, I again cant help but wonder if Gnul would stoop as low as the people of Wehnimer’s has and attack the Wellington Home for lost childeren. With this in my head, I urge you to relocate the childeren some place safe, if no attack comes to the home great, but if it does, then it is our duty to ensure the safety of these childeren. These childeren are in fact our future. We owe it to them to keep them safe and make them feel the same way, safe.

Please Mayor Thadston, think heavily on this. I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but I urge you see that our orphans are kept safe.

I have had my hand in more mistakes then I care to admit to, I just dont want this to be a mistake we regret in the future of Wehnimer’s.

Chandrellia Constantinople


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.