ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Thandiwe makes an announcement about the Auto-Flarer NPC, Tokens, and Flares at events. You will want to read it in detail, it’s more room than I have room for here:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
[Ebon Gate & Rumor Woods] Auto-Flarer NPC & Tokens
on 14 February 2023 11:10 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #event-announcements channel

At Ebon Gate 2022, we announced that all Common, Uncommon, and Rare Flares were going to be moving to an off-the-shelf token instead of going into feeders. This allowed players to find and purchase their flares, take them to the Auto-Flarer NPC, and get them immediately added to their item.

In the past, this was a HESS-level service that we moved out of HESS permanently.

I’m pleased to announce that we have created a solution to the concerns of flares only being available once a year. Here is our plan going forward.

The below flares will be sold at Ebon Gate & Rumor Woods:

Common flare tokens will be for fire, cold, lightning, impact, and vacuum.
Uncommon flare tokens will be for disintegrate, disruption, unbalance, grapple, acid, plasma, steam, water, and air.
Rare flare tokens will be for slash, puncture, and crush

The Autoflarer NPC will also find a home at Rumor Woods (as well as the one it has at EG).

The Dabbler at these events will ONLY handle the removal of flares at these events (plan accordingly).

Lastly, the Autoflarer will be updated for the following accommodation:

Equipment that is less than or equal to 4x, no more than 10 CER, and non-mechanical scripted will be reduced to 1/2 the regular price.

This change excludes any flares that are not listed above.

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Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.