PREMIUM AUCTION DAILY ANSWER: We’re keeping a running list of GM Quilic’s Answer of the Day about the Premium Auction. All the Q&A to date is below.

Texts of Discord Posts follow, LIFO order (most recent on top)

GM Quilic
Answers of the Day, Premium Silvers Auction 2022
beginning on 20 July 2022
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in #premiun-announcments channel and in the #premiun channel

Quilic’s answers appear below, verbatim, in blue letters.

30 July: How many SK Items? ~Ordim
X > 0
At this Discord link
29 July: The Lie Revealed
Q: The lie was regarding the number of pink things
29 July: Where will we find the portal? ~Katara
Vanah: Gardenia Commons. I’ll be updating the auction verb soon

Quilic: Yeah, they’ll actually be in Gardenia Commons. The portal will take you to the viewing area, the portal from there will take you to the actual bidding area.
Via Discord posts starting here.

July 28: The new Auction Room Mechanics were discussed in great detail, with examples, as Quilic and Vanah took questions.
Find them in this article.
July 28: Will there be anything offered to everyone at a certain price? like mass price match or anchoring service for 10 million silvers type of thing?
I don’t anticipate this happening, but I can’t promise it won’t, either. It’s not currently in my plans to offer something roomwide like that, but things could change between now and then.
Quoted from this Discord Link
July 27: Will there be anything new/not seen before released here? ~Rinualdo
Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking. No brand new scripts will be debuting this Auction, but there will be varieties of things not seen before.
At the GemStone Discord here
July 27: Quilic followed up on an earlier question/answer for Naamit:
Any sort of character-tied service that is auctioned off will be in the form of a prop that anyone may redeem, with an expiration timer that will be very short (ballparked to the end of the auction itself). This will allow you to bring in an alt if you win an item you want them to have (or to step out to hand it to them, or whatever works for you). Once the expiration timer goes off, though, your item is worthless, so I recommend being decisive with them, just in case.

Redemption times will be static across all of these sorts of things (however many there end up being). Design process will take some time, as that’s subject to people’s schedules and things, plus there’s QC to interact with. But any token/prop/whatever that goes unredeemed past the deadline will be useless, so those looking to flip things or hand them off to friends/alts will need to be aware of the timer.
From the GemStone Discord at this link

26 July: Will there be anything pink? ~Pookia
Yes. Perhaps as many as three pink things!
From the GemStoneIV Discord at this link
25 July: In your opinion, how comparable will the premium auction items be to the Great Auction of 2016? ~Akio
This is… hard to say, because I can look over the list of items that went out there and there was at least some stuff that would be pretty commonplace these days.

That said, I will attempt to answer the spirit of the question! This auction will feature no completely new scripts, which are a staple feature of Mania and Auctions these days. Everything to be auctioned is something that has been seen before, with one… possible semi-exception. I point that out for completeness, not just to be mean.

Others will have their own opinions, and this is just a guideline, but from the outset this Auction has been a means to offer a new Premium Perk that people regularly ask for. It’s a step or two (or three) below Mania and a “Grand Auction”, while still having some things that I’m personally pretty excited about.
Copied over from the GemStone Discord #premium channel here

24 July: an announcement, of sorts, from Quilic, with various related q&a following:
The list currently sits at 86 items, though there are duplicates on there
The Discord Link
24 July: Are the identical items included in that 86 items number or are they 86 unique offerings. ~Alastir
They are included
The Discord reference link
24 July: How many items not including duplicates? ~Alastir
48 at the moment
Discord Link to reference
24 July: on price matching: ~Rinualdo and Alastir
I do intend to offer matching on some things if the price is reasonable (thus the duplicates). Some of those 86 may not go out if the initial offering gets tepid results.
From this original Discord text
24 July: Right but he had previously mentioned reserves for items. And then making the MB the reserve to avoid frustration. ~Maylan
I did, and I did. There “are” reserves on the items. It’s 1 silver or whatever. I was waiting for someone to ask that question (which is why I mentioned reserves at all) so I could “reveal” that.
At this Discord link
24 July: What are the reserve prices to unlock the price match option. ~Alastir
Too high. Best not to worry about them.
At Discord
23 July: Whats the highest reserve and the lowest?
Quilic: 1 silver (or whatever the functional minimum is of the auction script).
Vanah added: It is 1! Actually it might be 20.
Discord Post starts at this link, (but the actual text is above)
Further clarified at this Discord post with:
The highest reserve is equal to the lowest reserve, and the answer is zero. Minimum bid on every item will be the functional minimum of the script.
22 July: Okay, actual question this time: What is the ratio of pure fluff to mechanical items? ~Avawren
Pure fluff is hard to define, because there is plenty of overlap in some of the items. I have attempted to keep everything roughly equal, though. At the moment, my “fluff” tab on the spreadsheet has more entries, but some of those have fairly significant mechanical functionality. My goal is to have equal numbers, but I may be off a bit when we get to the actual Auction.
Msg text from GS Discord #premium channel
21 July: Today’s “answer” will touch on multiple questions that have been asked, then I will answer one specifically.
It’s hard to give exact numbers for “number of items on the list” and “ratio of fluff to mechanical” for a couple of reasons:

1) The list isn’t yet finalized. I’m still trying to add things. I was able to add 6 things yesterday, and I have a few tendrils out still trying to add a couple more.

2) My “categories” can really be broken down into Customization/Fluff/Mechanical, but there’s a LOT of overlap, so it’s hard to define Piece “A” as fluff, when it’s cool fluff WITH a mechanical addition.

3) We simply may not get to everything on the list. I have no idea what to expect as far as time goes, and at some point it will simply get to be too late and I may need to pull the plug. I don’t anticipate that happening, but if I tell you we have exactly 50 items on the list, then only 44 go out, someone’s gonna get a rope.
from GS Discord #premium channel.

Question from Altheren: Anything to do with private properties going into the auction?
Answer from Q: “Yes”
from GS Discord #premium channel.
20 July: Will there be freebies/RPAs/spins/etc and/or limits on wins, or can extra accounts stay home? ~Obelins
There will not be any additional benefit to bringing extra accounts to the auction. There will be no room-wide RPAs, no spinners or door prizes, or things of that sort. There may be non-traditional distribution for a few lower-end things (trivia, scavenger hunt, etc), but nothing that would confer a benefit for having more than one account present to increase your odds of being selected.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.