ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s that time of year again! GM Estild announced that the Adventurer’s Guilds across Elanthia are offering to recharge your enhancives for silvers from now until January 9. ORDER from the bottom (# 99) of the Treasure Master’s list of services.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Estild
Annual Recharging For Silvers
on 26 December 2022 10:16 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

The Adventurer’s Guilds across Elanthia will be offering enhancive recharging services for silvers from now until January 9th. Please plan accordingly to take advantage of this limited time offer!

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.