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Things To Consider – Hapenlok

Hapenlok posts about current events with this in-character musings in the Wehnimer’s Landing Forum:

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 01/20/2017 06:04 PM CST
Subj: Things to consider(ic post)
Shortly after a protracted debate between the usual suspects.signs appear through the town.

Before you townspeople listen too intently to the people crying about the Hendorans and the Hall of Mages just remember that the loudest protests come from the people responsible for them being here in the first place! A ta’mori, a person who changes sides as the Four Winds blow, an Earl killer and a common thief who cares nothing about the town except to line his pockets with what he takes from you.

Second, I don’t hear the local merchants with bulging coin pouches complaining too loudly, especially our friendly arms dealers.

Third and most important, we shouldn’t forget who still lives,Stone and Raznel. They still lurk. I for one, would prefer allies against them.

A time may come, when someone will ask that the Hendorans go home, but that is not that time.

Some would have you believe that I am a lackey to the hall. Or to thrayzar or a thrall of raznel. This is not true.

My actions have always been to preserve this town. Despite the actions of a select few. I’ve made mistakes. Quite a few. This is no secret. My enemies would have you believe that I am no better than Elethain Cross.

There may come a time when the next mayor and the people ask Earl Jovery to bring his forces home. That time is not here. Don’t jeopardize every thing we worked to build and rebuild in forcing the issue. I will consider anyone who does so an enemy and act accordingly. Consider it a promise.

(The message is signed with a flourish)
Mage of the Flame
Citizen of Whenimer’s Landing
Member of militia

Date: 01/20/2017 06:09 PM CST
Subj: Re: Things to consider(ic post)
He, I repeated myself. Man …doing this on a mobile device makes me look silly sometimes. #ooc


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